Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I get it all the time: "do you always wear white?" To answer: who knows, we'll see, insh'allah... All is impermanent anyways - perhaps someday I'll dance naked like Lalleshwari...

A more intriguing question: Last night, a dear woman asked me, "don't you feel vulnerable wearing so much white?" I responded that I don't now, but remember when I used to. But at this point, the amount of radiance and grace I experience inside is strong enough to sustain it. Perhaps also, because I've come to experience comfort with a vast level of openness... No longer do I feel I must hide that [proverbial?] light.

I encourage us all, whatever we wear on the outside, to allow that inner light to shine... It is nourishment, absolution, and peace.

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Blogger Ariana Saraha said...

Thought I'd include this elaboration, prompted by an inquiring friend...

He asked: "I wondered if you are aware that in the Hindu/bhakti tradition, white is the traditional color for funerals and mourning? So is your wearing white coming more out of the Hindu tradition or more out of the European tradition of white as the color of light and purity? Or are you celebrating the Great Mystery by being paradoxical? Or was it simply a manifestation of your subjectivity?"

My response: I am at my own funeral dear – dying every moment to be reborn...

Plus, the Indian/bhakti tradition’s use of white is many-fold...

(insert photo of Sri Anandamayi Ma here... :-)

But to be honest, there are no “reasons.” Honoring all traditions, I ‘subscribe’ to none...

Only Peace.


As a further illumination, I would have to say also that to try to ascribe any set system of beliefs to my being-in-this-world doesn't allow for the joyfully paradoxical vastness with which I experience life...


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