Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ocean, I hear your siren song...

Indeed, when I contemplated moving to California, it wasn't for the sea ~ but it is she who clinched the deal. Indeed, we shook hands (wiggled toes, entwined tendrils, plied each others sandy shores with loving hands as sandpipers played at the edge of waves...) a couple weeks ago at a magic beach above Malibu that I'd dreamt of as home some 10 or more years ago...

It is by the seashore that I can't keep from dancing ~ as the ocean creates beauty upon beauty, painted on the sand, sparkling in the foam on the waves... Creating and re-creating beauty, over and over again, an unending masterpiece of life...

Today I danced in her waves, as the whole world became liquid, ever-changing. Mirroring the cosmic sky above, we are dancing, dreaming, dissolving into the wildness of all that is...

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