Thursday, August 23, 2007

Waking the Dream

Hi dearest Familia! ~ I wrote this piece shortly after Dreamtime Festival and then was a bit shy to post it, being so deeply of the spiritual/inspirational nature. But what the heck, life is fleeting, best to take risks. So here ‘tis...

Dear Souls...

To those of you who have lately been in the Dreamtime and in various Ceremonias... I have heard a few of you speak in shaky terms: “I wish I was back there,” “how can I live this in my everyday?...

I bid you, Remember! Remember the light that shines within your heart, inexhaustible. You are always there, in ceremony, in the light, in the embrace of the divine...

And there is a vast network, a web of light woven around this world of conscious community – great souls and dreamers, peacekeepers – always there to support us, to reflect the perfection and strength in that which we believe. Hold your heart certain of this and you will attract those into your life to support you living fully this dream. It exists, this network. Tap into your inner light and you will awaken the connection... It’s always there for you, inexhaustibly.

Is there anything that keeps you from knowing this? Any doubts and fears? These are your teachers. There are many stories we hold, consciously or unconsciously, that keep us from acceptance of Love. Each hesitation you feel is an opportunity to witness a story and let it go. It may not be easy – these stories are held in place by acceptance of untruths: “I am not worthy,” “the world is messed up,” “he did this, she did that....” But beyond these veils of separation, beyond the ego’s resistance & denial, lies a deep tenderness – that is where truth resides. Embrace this tenderness, face your wounds. Flood them with your tears, embrace the pain completely. Only in this way will you move through. The darkness will not swallow you, not forever. Thru the shadows, the dark night, you will find an ineffable light. It is an arduous path to arrive and arrive again at this simple truth, but necessary for the healing of our world.

And let yourself be held – by your friends, by the grace of the divine, by gifted healers... It is through the re-embrace of connection and co-creation that we are coming into wholeness. This time the path will not be that of a lone wolf. Howl and the tribe will come to hear you. For we are all one in the dance of the divine.

When you’ve embraced this wholeness, having held yourself as a tender and divine child, you will find compassion for those you meet along the way who do not yet know this. Finally you will release the fight. They are not the boogeymen and perpetrators of our childhood, even of our ancestry. And if they were? - they are divine children also, sometimes lost and confused. All are worthy of compassion. Give up the fight. And if you find yourself triggered, if you find yourself struggling to love, this is another opportunity to face your reflections, embrace your projections. Boundless compassion lies beyond the veil of our wounds...

I am here with you on this journey, knowing your wholeness, always turning inside to the heart of all creation, giving thanks for the blessings of this life. Let us enjoy this beautiful dance, in all its sorrow and tears, all its roller coaster joys and abundance, in the overwhelming chaos and the supreme stillness.

We are dreaming together this dream of the Earth...

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