Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Eagle Vision...

I dream of an invitation/riddle...

"You are walking along, and an eagle flies by, beckoning you to come along with it, but without flying. How do you do it?"

I reply, "drop fully into the body, into beingness, dropping out of the mind and into the breath. There, in the body and the breath, a great spaciousness arises, as if feeling the vast infinity between every cell, every atom. In this grounded, embodied space, suddenly we realize Freedom. And in that freedom there is a sense of flying, yet while fully grounded on the earth."

Another friend, in the dream, responds, "I couldn't find an answer to the riddle because I kept thinking of this pigeon who keeps flying up and getting trapped in my ceiling."

If that isn't an apt metaphor for the challenge in truly meditating...


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Saturday, May 03, 2008


I've had a wicked sense of humor lately - a wicked sense of life in general really! Joyfully so, as if Kali-ma is cackling through me, and twinkling mischievously and almost dangerously through my eyes...

Care to dance in the fire with me?...


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