On the Wings of an Angel...
As I drove down the winding road through snow covered Sierra Nevada mountains into California the other night, I remembered how in a recent ceremony I felt the presence of an angel so strong ~ maybe she's been with me all along ~ and I felt her offer to guide me from now on. I said yes, my ego surrendering gratefully...
I remembered this that night, as I drove down the mountain crying rivers of tears, feeling all the pain and sorrow I'm headed into. Not my own, but the suffering of others that I'm headed to be amongst, as I offer my service of song... She came again, filling me, reminding me of how simply I can surrender and let her lead, reminding me why the heck I'm doing this thing! It's not for my benefit, for some glory, that I've come out west. I've come so that my song and love can be a healing. I feel a tremendous relief, welcoming "her" into me - I don't have to "try" anymore, I just have to do what is needed.
Certainly, I know that for my own balance I will still need to tend to many things - I will need to spend time with those I love, to regenerate myself in nature and places that feel like home... But when I am here, out in the wider, crazier world, I have the strength of an angel with me.
Tears of relief continue to pour ~ purifying, purifying, purifying... I just wanted to share this experience, as it feels like a tremendous blessing I've received, this reminder of how easeful it is to be selfless. And I share it in hopes that you too are filled with the strength of angels, and that your tremendous beauty and wisdom gets to pour unhindered into the world.