Stroking the Uvula
I had a most hilarious conversation with someone on the other day...
I can't remember the initial inquiry - but it was something to do with Tantra and sex and all that (I believe sparked by the fact that I share a last name with an old Tantric Sage...
So in order to shatter his lustful illusions, I had to reply! Here follows...
Ariana Saraha wrote:
"Forsaking bliss the fool roams abroad,
Hoping for mundane pleasure;
Your mouth is full of honey now,
Swallow it while you may!"
"Obsessed with the joys of sexual embrace
The fool believes he knows ultimate truth;
He is like someone who stands at his door
And, flirting, talks about sex."
"Like a brahmin taking rice and butter
Offering sacrifice to the flame,
He who visualises material things as celestial ambrosia
Deludes himself that a dream is ultimate reality."
"He labels his peak experience sahaja:
He is clinging to a reflection mistaken for the mirror."
In my view, the Saraha Doha is both a treatise and a challenge to the practice of yoga - reminiscent-of, and yet thoroughly laughing- at/with, traditional sources such as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras...
While I enjoy and honor the sensual world, I still call it what it is... A beautifully silly and unspeakably sacred maya... (bwah haha ;-)
"Like a brahmin taking rice and butter
Offering sacrifice to the flame,
He who visualises material things as celestial ambrosia
Deludes himself that a dream is ultimate reality.
Enlightening the House of Brahma in the fontanelle
Stroking the uvala in wanton delight,
Confused, believing binding pleasure to be spiritual release,
The vain fools calls himself a yogin"
I believe that spirituality encompasses the whole person- body, mind and soul. And I agree that sex is only a token in that equation. That is why I view tantra as having valuable techniques that can enhance that part of our lives, not as my pathway to spirituality. The union between two souls only mirrors the union between a person and the divine.
I'm still learning though...
Ariana Saraha wrote:
Ah, beautiful - I totally agree, and honor you.
Just always doing my part to inquire deeper and make sure people are thinking as fully as possible (and not using so-called "tantra" to pander to their addictions... :-)
This line cracks me up: "Stroking the uvala in wanton delight" - because it alludes to an absurd practice (you can read about it in the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika") in which a yogi, bit-by-bit, shaves off the little connecting tissue under the tongue so he/she is able to more fully turn the tongue backwards to supposedly drink the nectar dripping down from the pineal gland - hahahahaha!!! So you can see why I said he's poking-fun-at...
Thanks for the little dialogue, it's been delightful :-)
Blessings ~ A
Ha! Hilarious.... thanks for informing me about "stroking the uvala"... I honor you too... You're not only beautiful but intelligent, thoughtful and poetic, a joy to get to know...